8 How To Make Money Through Fashion Blogging and Influencing

3 Reasons Why You Are Not Making Money With Adsense

Many bloggers frequently ask why their adsense profit are so low.

3 Reasons Why You Are Not Making Money With Adsense
1. Insufficient visitors
In the event that your site has under 400-500
visitors every day, it will be
hard to make much with AdSense. You need to recollect

that just a little rate of
individuals will click on your promotions
(1-2%) so on the off chance that you have 400-500 individuals
going to your site in a day, that is 4-5 clicks.

2. Insufficient relevant advertisements

The more relevant your google adsense ads, the more the chances that visitors will click those ads. On the chance that the advertisements aren’t
significant to your contents then
your visitors aren’t going to click.

That is the reason it’s critical to
ensure your site has a great deal of
content so Google can
show the most relevant advertisements.

Be that as it may, simply having a couple
sentences with a few pictures will make it difficult for google to place relevant
advertisements since you have so little

3. Low paying niche

Niches are more profitable than others. On the chance that you have a
fund site, the promotions will presumably
pay more than the promotions on an
news site.

So the niche you are in plays a
huge part in the amount you can
make. That is the reason it’s difficult to
appraise the amount anybody can
procure with AdSense. There are just
an excess of various variables.
