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Keyword Density is about the number of relevant keywords that are
present in the content you are posting on your site.
Keyword Density is figured by the aggregate number of
times a keyword is utilized on your
website page divided
by aggregate number of words in that
page content. And after that multiply
the outcome with 100 to get your keyword density rate.
Assume the keyword density appears 16 times and the number of words on
the post is 800.
Therefore, keyword density = 16/800 *100 = 2% . So the keyword
density for Onpage SEO Factors keyword in that site page will be 2%.
Preferably you ought to attempt to confine your keyword density to 2
It is advisable to try to use relevant keywords on your contents
rather than repeting only one keyword several times on contents.
present in the content you are posting on your site.
Keyword Density is figured by the aggregate number of
times a keyword is utilized on your
website page divided
by aggregate number of words in that
page content. And after that multiply
the outcome with 100 to get your keyword density rate.
Assume the keyword density appears 16 times and the number of words on
the post is 800.
Therefore, keyword density = 16/800 *100 = 2% . So the keyword
density for Onpage SEO Factors keyword in that site page will be 2%.
Preferably you ought to attempt to confine your keyword density to 2
It is advisable to try to use relevant keywords on your contents
rather than repeting only one keyword several times on contents.
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